We provide the following solutions

  • Roller Type Insect Screen for Doors & Windows

  • Fold Type Insect Screen for Doors & Windows

  • Magnetic Insect Screens

  • Sliding Insect Screens

  • Hinge Types Insect Screens

Fold Type

FOLD TYPE INSECT SCREENS (Doors & Windows) were researched and developed with advanced technology from Japan. The folding-type fiberglass net is elegant and unique. It is a perfect combination of tasteful appearance and practical application. Suitable for all type of single panel door and windows as well as double panel sliding or swing doors for main entrance and balcony. 3072A3BC 89F9 11E1 BF43 12314000960A


It is made from strong aluminium and the fold type fiberglass net was dignified and unique. It is a perfect combination of beautiful apperance and practical usage. Favourite colours for the framework are white, bronze and natural anodised. Others colours are available upon request.  39C62114 89F9 11E1 9EAE 12314000F07E


Sample of Fold Type Insect Screens 5CF69B14 89F9 11E1 9606 12314000960A


Sample of Fold Type Insect Screens 8DB2FDF6 89F9 11E1 AA83 12314000960A


Sample of Fold Type Insect Screens A692D814 89F9 11E1 9DF7 12314000F07E


Sample of Fold Type Insect Screens BA4AF288 89F9 11E1 97B6 12314000960A

Sliding Type

SLIDING TYPE INSECT SCREENS (Doors and Windows) are suitable for all types of windows, It is unique and easy to use. Made from strong aluminium and most economical in price. This sliding insect window screens can be simply removed for cleaning or if not required. Ideal for fitting to aluminium or timber joinery.  3931E91C 89FA 11E1 BE54 12314000F07E


Samples of Sliding Type Insect Screens 46F96A20 89FA 11E1 B66D 12314000960A


Samples of Sliding Type Insect Screens 5501F394 89FA 11E1 AD8E 12314000F07E

Open & Close Type

OPEN/CLOSE TYPE INSECT SCREENS are made from strong aluminium and most economical in price. Ideal for fitting to aluminium or timber joinery.  C29131CC 89FA 11E1 B436 12314000F07E


Samples of Open/Close Type Insect Screens FA3E6040 89FA 11E1 A2ED 12314000F07E